Friday, March 11, 2011

NBA - where easy trading happens

NBA markets. Mug markets for mugs or are they more like mug markets for pros to make money? In my opinion mug market for pros. For proper mugs no market is good to make money I suspect anyway
When bigger games come on the stage mug markets turn into pros market such as tennis and football - very competitive and in all honesty hardly you will find anything wrong with odds. And that is the only case when I find hard to make money in NBA markets. Apart from those games trading NBA is a must of course if you can handle night hours. I guess anybody who trades successfully other sports such as tennis football, cricket and others high volume markets could come and make money from the very first day in NBA markets. Piss easy and I mean it. Not so sure that "NBA only" trader could do the opposition.

Anyway my little money keeps growing and turning into big big big big money. Yupiiiiiii!
The rule of blog: Post only when green.
Again done and clear.

Starting Bank 195.96 euro

Deposited Money 500 euro

Current Bank 1059,65 euro

Withdrawn Money 715 euro

265 euro staked on Lakers in outright market

Profit Made In Total 1344,12 Euro


  1. hey

    Nice blog, what is your usual strategy for NBA trading?

    also, would you like to swap blog links? mine is

    let me know and i will add you on

  2. Hi Mug

    I really enjoyed the Mark Douglas video that you posted on the green all over blog.

    I have decided to follow your blog and I have added your blog to my blog list. I wondered if your would consider adding my blog to your list. The address is:


  3. No problems chaps, I will ad them.
