Monday, February 7, 2011

Cho Chooo

I swept out my bank the other day. What a suprise, huh? But it happend purely because of bad mood.

To be honest I cannot say I lost my bank because now I have a new bank. Ha ha. I took some days off and will restart or continue my journey through betfair, depends on the way we look at it.
The positives side of all this for the blog is that people seems to be more interested in other people failures than success so this mug step few days back might be helpfull for this virtual desert. Lets say some sort of story been made already. A mug falls down, steps back, gets rich - blah blah blah

I had a bit of action today so I am back towards big big big money.

Starting Bank 195.96 euro

Deposited Money 500 euro

Current Bank 535.45 euro

Withdrawn Money 0 euro

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